Monday, July 15, 2013

I don't give a Gap!

Lately I've been a more aware of diet and exercise, a great thing for sure but it brings me back to a time as a teenager when I was obsessed with being thin. Thanks to good genetics I've always been thin, but there was a time when I'd eat the bare minimum for fear of gaining even an ounce. I wasn't the prettiest thing starting high school and I thought that the only thing I had going for me was being thin, so I made sure I stayed that way.

My problem wasn't just eating the bare minimum but also the WRONG things. 

Junk food is my weakness. 

However since graduating high school and college I've realized that how the world views me isn't important. What's important is the way that GOD views me. 

He made me in His image and He is perfect, so how can I be anything less?

Of course that doesn't mean we shouldn't take care of our bodies by eating right and exercising but doing so in the right way to honor the temple He has created for us. 

We can't do God's will if we are physically unfit for the task. 

I was speaking to someone recently who had the same issue as me when it comes to body image and eating. They told me that for a while they had become obsess with having a "thigh gap".

I was almost immediately was angered.

This is a thigh gap

If only girls would realize how WEAK it looks, like they'll break at any moment! Not to mention her legs probably look like a skeleton under there!

Maybe it's just me, but over the past two years I've worked out my legs so much that a thigh gap is laughable. My thighs touch, even though I'm still a healthy slim, and I'm perfectly happy with it because it's muscle and my thighs are rock hard. 

I think of it this way also, if I ever have to fight for my life strong legs without a thigh gap sure are going to help me more than stick legs!

I'd rather have thunder thighs!

The problem with this thinking and the whole thigh gap issue is that girls are thinking that being rail thin is beautiful. Ehh....nope sorry a walking skeleton is not beautiful. 
You can be thin, but doing it the healthy way and right way is what matters. 

Being strong should matter, my way of thinking has changed, for me....Strong is the New Skinny and I can't tell you how much over the past few months of working out besides running has increased my positive self image.

 No, I'm not losing weight fact the numbers on the scale are increasing due to the muscle I'm building. And guess what...I don't give a gap about that anymore....

Being able to do more than 10 pull ups and push ups is the accomplishment I look forward to and when I know I look my best, not when I can count my ribs in the mirror or see a gap in my thighs.

It all comes down to one thing. I'd rather be fit and strong than skinny and weak.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Ongoing Battle

I feel like this is the story of my life since we've gotten married. 


Is it horrible that I am just not ready for children at the moment? I don't have a fear of them...I'm quite fond of the little ones to be honest but I feel as if I have way too much going on learning to be a good, godly wife and learning how to run my own home without the incessant neediness of children.

I think pregnant women are drop dead gorgeous! There is just something about them that makes me think of the cutest things in the world, like puppies, koalas and rainbows! 

(ok, a little dramatic with that description but it's how I feel when I see a pregnant lady!)

I feel like though I can handle the cute moments but the others...nope!

Really though, I've only been married a total of 7 babies on the horizon yet and I'm totally ok with it. 

Not saying that anyone who becomes pregnant is silly or anything, I'm just enjoying being selfish and having my husband to myself, not having to call for a sitter or making plans to have the baby watched.

The funny thing is, a year ago I would have said I was ready....and now...I'm glad we decided to wait. Children are a blessing but not one I'm ready for just yet, I have a hard enough time with dinner on a regular basis :)

I think it's funny how our perspectives change. I used to think I was on this time line, like I HAVE to get pregnant after ONE year of marriage! Now I'm totally ok with 3 or 5 or 10 years....ok so maybe not 10 but I certainly won't regret the one on one time with my husband. 

I just feel like so many people, myself included, jump into things without fully thinking about what it means. I know they say you can't ever be fully ready to have a child......... 

(whoever "they" are, "they" sure have a lot of opinions about everything)

........but where I am in my life, my marriage, and my career, I feel as if I would be doing an injustice almost. 

So until I make an official I'm not pregnant and am not trying to get pregnant. 

We'll let ya know!

In the meantime......

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Louisiana FFA Convention

Last week I had the pleasure as an FFA Advisor to take four students to the 84th Louisiana State FFA Convention held in Alexandria.

State convention is always a great time to catch up with other ag teachers, inspire students and celebrate success as students compete in contests throughout the week.

This year was my 7th convention, I have attended 3 as a student and the last 4 as an Advisor for Church Point FFA.

This years them was GROW and I believe our students did just that!

This year we took four students who are just beginning their journey through agriculture education and the FFA. They have been involved in various aspects of the organization including public speaking, landscape and horitculture judging and forestry judging.

Throughout the four days of convention the students sat in on business sessions where they heard keynote speaker Mark Black, who at 23 was told he had a limited time to live. He survived the miraculous heart and double lung transplant he recieved and went on to run in 4 marathons since. Here are some bits and pieces from his speech that inspired the students.  

Yes, as a runner I think I was more enthralled than the kids!

The students were also able to participate in sessions that introduced them to the way that parliamentary procedure is used to run a business meeting or session.

Another highlight was electing state officers to represent them for the 2013-2014 year! And though they themselves did not compete in contests they were able to see their peers earn awards for public speaking, marketing and various other contests as well as recieve State FFA Degrees.

During down time we took the kids bowling and played lazer tag (not the best idea when wearing boots!)

Overall it is one of the highlight events that FFA as to offer! As the week progressed I really saw our students GROW and realize their potential within such an amazing program.

I can't wait to see what they will accomplish in years to come.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stronger with Every Step

For those of you who are up to date with my love-hate relationship with running.

I'm back at it after a ridiculously long lay off from a knee injury.

I want to jump right in and overdo it again but I know that slow and steady is the way I'll get back to top form and be at my high mileage again. 

So far I have been adding half a mile a week. With that being said I was ecstatic when I hit 2 whole miles on Saturday! I feel that once I hit 3 miles I can begin to keep up and run with some of my favorite gals ever! 

It's so hard not to be bitter about how far I used to run versus how far I run now...2 miles seems measly now but I have to remember that......

And that I need to also......

I love how so many times we want to rush things instead of waiting on God's timing and we end up messing it up somehow. Much like my injury, if I don't keep running and doing a steady mileage increase I'll end up hurt again and back to square one or even permanently not able to run, the same thing goes for opportunities that God wants to give us. Things need to be in His time or we could end up permanently messing up an opportunity.

I feel myself getting stronger through ever step and every half mile I increase. Im doing half mile intervals because by the end of the half mile my knee is very warm and starts to get sore. I know that means that I need to slow down a bit, and if we listen to God He gives us that self same warning to slow down, take things easy and allow Him to strengthen us for the works ahead.  

So be strengthened, be strong and remember that it's worth it to be slow and steady and to do things right and to wait on God and His perfect timing.

I'm finding out that He's never, ever wrong or going to let me down and He will strengthen me for what's up ahead if I keep focused on Him and let go. Through my training I'm also learning to keep persevering because I'm stronger with every step.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Feminist Side

My sweet husband has pointed this out to me numerous times over the years and I have finally admitted it to myself.

I'm can be sort of a feminist at times.

There. I said it.

Not that I'm anti-male or think of the male  population of our species as not needed and they need to go. I love my husband a little too much to believe in that nonsense!

Nor do I think that if all women should be treated the same. Face it ladies in the feminist movement--we aren't going to be treated the same as everyone else, nor should we.

I'll probably get some flack for that but it's true. I don't, wait can't, teach each child in my classroom the same; whether male or female they are each individual people who have different needs.

However, I must say that growing up I was always given the sense of self that I didn't have to rely on a man for anything or everything in my life. A relationship with a boy did not define me, thank goodness, and I always felt that I could do anything the boys did, many times even better.

It must have something to do with being the first granddaughter born to my paternal grandparents after 12 or so grandsons. I mean, I kinda had some odds stacked against me to becoming a girly girl. For all of the hard times my cousins gave me they also instilled confidence in me and they didn't even know it. I knew I didn't have to depend on my cousins to bail me out of something because they taught me enough to get my own self out of it.

During my younger years my best friend was also a guy, we would ride our bikes to each others houses (only about half a mile or so away from each other) and play football and soccer, good times for sure, so I never really had an interest in makeup or dolls (unless they could ride a toy horse) or any of the other stuff that girls my age were supposed to be interested in.

It bored me.

Give me a toy tractor and the mud and I was good to go! I still have a love of mud that, at times, scares me as an adult.

Which brings me to a point (and all this time you thought I was just rambling!). I can be so strong willed at times that living up to my vows to honor and obey my husband can be downright hard!

It's totally not programed in my brain or genetic makeup to be calm and submissive towards a man.

I know some women don't have a problem with this while others do. I've found that it not only pertains to my relationship with my husband but with that of my Father God also.

I struggle with it so much!! I tend to think of my husband as weak in certain areas and so I then have a superiority complex about it. Not. Good.

My prayer lately is that God humble me and help me to see my husbands strengths and not to feel superior or think of him as weak in certain situations. I ask that He show me my setbacks and weaknesses, even though I would rather not remember them, in order to show me that I too am not perfect.

I've found that this way of thinking not only hurts my relationship with my sweet husband but also with God.

If I can't submit to and respect my husband majority of the time (let's face it we'll have fall outs) what makes me think I do so with God, someone who I see by faith and not by sight?

This has been a real issue in my heart. Especially since I'm a control freak. I want to have every portion of my day planned out and my husband and God just don't work that way!

I need to start trusting them and submitting to the things they know better about and not blindly take charge of things like I want to do regarldess of the consquence.

My husband only does what's best for me and God is in control of my life.

How awesome are they?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being Who You Are

I had a student, who recently transferred into my class from California, tell me something recently that I'm all too familiar with.

"I didn't expect you to be a woman!"

As an agriculture teacher I am one of the few, but growing number of women agricultural educators in the state.

You see, traditionally the role of an agriculture teacher was reserved for men. This made sense to a lot of people as we are referred to commonly as "shop teachers" as agriculture not only encompasses the animal, plant, soil and food sciences but also carpentry and welding.

Carpentry and welding are not something that traditional female teachers taught or were wanting to teach, especially with the demanding schedule an agriculture teacher faces with being on the road a lot. You can imagine it's hard to raise a family with only a limited amount of time during the summer where we are not traveling.

Being a woman in this position I am often told that I should find a new profession, especially when children come into my life, or that a woman "shouldn't do a man's work". Statements like these kinda make you doubt the things and the work you are doing at times.

This past weekend though, during our churches annual Joie de Vivre conference, the amazing Holly Wagner stressed the importance of being who you are, and using the gifts that God has equipped you with.

Does knowing who you are and knowing your gifts completely devoid you of fear of what others say or think, or does it delete the fear of knowing that there will be many obstacles coming your way?

Of course not. 

The Bible states that there WILL be trials in our lives and that we will suffer at times, but really those moments pale in comparison to the courage our God offers to us if we worship and accept it from Him.

My problem has always been trying to toe the line between what I think people want me to be like and what I think I should be like.

I was constantly comparing myself to all of these standards that were not placed on me by my God, but by the society in which we live; the worldly opinion of the type of wife, the type of teacher and the type of woman I should be.

My amazing friend and one of the women I consider to be a big role model in how I want to live for and please God, Daphne Gaspard, preached at our women's conference on not comparing yourself to other's standards but God's.

I hadn't realized until this weekend how much I do that! Especially as an agriculture teacher. I am constantly trying to prove myself to the men in my field that I AM good enough, that I can weld, and use the cutting torch and build picnic tables with the rest of them even though they probably don't care.

I also compare myself to those of my friends who are married, have jobs and still somehow manage to keep an amazingly clean house, have delicious dinners on the table nearly every night, knit and take amazing photographs....I always wondered why I couldn't match up to that.

But the best thing is....I don't have to compare to them.

Our God, our Father, our Savior sees us as INCOMPARABLE to anyone and everyone else around us. He made each of us uniquely and gave us gifts that would benefit us alone for the assignments He has planned for us, that only we can fulfill.  

He loves each of us individually. I suppose it's like having children. If you have multiple you shouldn't love any of them less than the others but in a different way than the others because they are each individual people with their own giftings and quirks.

That's how God feels about us quirky individuals! He sees us as His sons and daughters and we are each precious to Him in our own way. He has something special planned for each and everyone of us and we have to accept the fact that we are each made differently for a different purpose.

Quick thought. The Bible states that we are made in the image of God. How amazingly diverse our Savior must be! That alone is something to worship Him for and to wonder at :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

I love this time of year, when the weather agrees, I get to spend an entire week off from work to relax and pretend to catch up on house work (when really it's nearly 11:00 a.m. and I am still in my p.j.'s)!

But seriously today is Good Friday and the more I reflect upon it I had the thought,

"Why on earth is it GOOD? Our Lord and Savior was put to death this day." 

I understand WHY it's called Good Friday, I mean....without it Jesus would not have fulfilled the prophecies and died on the cross to be risen and start a new covenant of Grace with us.

However it's the "died on the cross" part that's making it a not so Good Friday for me. 

Ever since I've become a Christian my heart breaks that the sins I've committed and continue to commit (let's face it we're all still sinners) we're the reason that Jesus' had to go through one of the, if not THE, most gruesome deaths so that I would not have to pay the price and that one day I could have eternal life. 

It seems so unfair, the price He paid for me.

 He who knew no sin, became sin so that WE could become righteous with God. 2 Corinthians 5:21

Seriously? I feel so unworthy of that phrase, I mean obviously I can try to live up to it but when compared to what Christ did.....nothing I do will ever be enough. And the crazy part is, is that He's ok with it.

       But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are            

                                                              Isaiah 53:5
Why would He do such a thing for us? For ME? He was beaten by soldiers with a weapon called a flagrum which I have read is similar to the British cat o' nine tails. 

This hits me hard.
1. Have you SEEN a soldiers arms? They're HUGE from working out and lifting heavy equipment and their weapon that probably weighed more than me! With a normal whip it would have been torture enough. 

2. The flagrum. Just thinking about this gives me chills and makes me want to weep with anger and pain for our Lord. When researching the Flagellumm or Flagrum I found this description.

"the flagellum was not designed merely to bruise or leave welts on the victim. The flagellum was a whip with several (at least three) thongs or strands, each perhaps as much as three feet long, and the strands were weighted with lead balls or pieces of bone. This instrument was designed to lacerate. The weighed thongs struck the skin so violently that it broke open." (McAllister, 2000).

Upon further reading about it, it's stated that at times the flagrum would tear the skin open so much that main arteries were exposed. I cannot even imagine such pain!

Then He had to carry His own cross, a death sentence, and wear a crown of thorns that bit into His skin every single second causing pain and blood to run down His face.

This is what I think about when I think of Good Friday, not the crawfish boils, the seafood or the superstitions  of the day (seriously guys...not digging or planting today?), but rather that there was a price paid for my redemption, for our redemption and it was a high price indeed. 

But we can take heart in the fact that because of His selfless act, Death was beaten and no longer has a hold over our lives, that we can be forgiven of our sins, get right with God and live to serve Him. 

So today, as your feasting take a moment to remember just why and who we are in debt to for this day. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Things I've Learned from a Horse

This is Lilly.

She's one of my bestest four legged friends around.
Sometimes we disagree on the course of action for the day when we are together but most of the time we highly enjoy each others company.

I was there the day she was born and have watched her grow and become more beautiful than I could have hoped! Every little girls dream horse...and she's mine!

She's got large ears for listening to my troubles and big eyes to see the world in ways I never could even imagine.

I'd like to share some things that she has taught me over the 13 years of our friendship. 

1. It's OK to be the boss.
Lilly is really my alter ego in this area. She's what we in the horse world call a "Boss Mare" if there are younger (and sometimes older as well) horses in the pasture with her she dominates and threatens with ears pinned back to be the first in line for water, food and my attention. I feel like this is an important point because there are so many times when we allow ourselves to be pushed aside by another "boss mare" and our dreams and wants are pushed to the side while they plow through. NOT OK. We need not let others' thoughts and opinions of us keep us from excelling in life.

2. It's OK to roll around and get dirty.

Sometimes I have a hard time with letting loose and having fun. I feel like I need to be on a regiment and have everything in my life planned out the way I need it. Pretty girl up there? Yea...she always throws a wrench in that by ROLLING in the dirt RIGHT AFTER A BATH! But you know, most times I just laugh it off and smile at her antics, because in the grand scheme of things life should be so serious that we forget a simple joy like rolling around in the dirt (symbolic here of course, not literally!)

3. Sometimes all you have to do is listen and not speak.

Lilly is perhaps the best listener I know....she doesn't give me advice I don't want or need when I'm upset, she just looks at me with those big brown eyes like "I have no idea what you're saying but keep brushing me please." Many times we want to give people a solution to "FIX" their problems....they don't need us to fix it! They just sometimes need a willing ear to listen and not judge them about it. Sometimes by giving advice or your own opinion you are potentially giving them advice that will break a friendship or end wrongly, even putting your own friendship with them at risk because then you'll be looked at as the one who "told them so". Don't be that person, listen first and then if you are asked give your opinion or advice, don't give it unless they ask for it.

4. That sometimes taking life slow is a good thing.

Lilly doesn't like to be ridden. Even more so, she hates running while being ridden and will do anything and everything not to do so. The only thing she really runs for is her food bucket, ha!
Seriously though, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life we need to slow down and appreciate the things that are worth a second look or a time to be appreciated.

5. Sometimes people just need to get off of your back!

As I said before...Lilly doesn't like to be ridden, she doesn't like people to tell her what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Many times we go through the motions allowing others to dictate our lives for us. Not cool. The only entity in charge of our lives is God and He has the final say. This does not however mean that you can tell your boss, "No, I don't think so today!" No, this is not meant for professional work places or places where you are not in authority. This is meant for things such as your sister trying to tell you who you should or shouldn't date, or your friend telling you that you really should go on a diet and try this one, or someone coming in a telling you how to clean your house or that you should do this or that every weekend to be socially acceptable. Phooey on them! Live your life and as long as what you are doing is pleasing in the eyes of God...why do something just because someone tells you to without a good reason?

There are many more things that she's taught me over the years, but I thought I would mention a few that stood out to me.

What has an animal you've had teach you? I'm sure there were some important messages in there!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Writing on Joli today!

If you'd like to see my thoughts for this weekend jump on over to our women's minstry blog to check it out! While your there go ahead and check out some of the other posts by other writers :) I promise you'll be as blessed by them as I have been!

Also if you're into reading join us every Friday as we take a look at the different chapters in the book Warrior Chicks by Holly Wagner. We are only on Chapter 4 this week so you can get the book and jump into our discussion this Friday!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

That Feeling....

Ever had one of those seasons in your life where you feel so restless that your about to come out of your skin?

I feel like God is going to do something HUGE in my life soon, I have no idea what it is or where it will be, but I dearly hope it's soon because this restless feeling is making me crazy!

Perhaps I have case you don't know what that is here's the definition.

I'm trying to trust God in this season and see what He brings to me and honor Him with it however...I just can't help but want to jump in and just figure it out.

I want this crazy feeling to end and I want to know what it is I am supposed to do, or see, or who I need to speak to.

I swear if I weren't nursing a running injury I would run and run and run some more until I dropped from being dead tired. THAT'S how restless I have been.

It's nuts really.

Has anyone else felt this way? I can't be the only one.

It's making me question just about everything! My career choice, where I live, the things I spend my time on. The only things that haven't been questioned is my marriage and my faith.

I need to calm down and let God do His thing. I KNOW He won't steer me wrong. I just wish He'd hurry up and tell me what I'm supposed to be doing.

Friday, February 15, 2013

How did they do it?

You know, I'm at a loss as to how women did it back know back before the, food network and pinterest. 

Y'all seriously....if it wouldn't be for those three things I'd be in a bind as far a cooking is concerned! My poor husband would be eating things out of cans, boxes or depend on his own self...really for me it's fend for yourself!

Suffice to say I was never one to be in the kitchen watching mom cook and helping was more likely to follow daddy to the barn and come back with my good school shoes full of mud but a satisfied look on my face.

I'm still very hard on my shoes (Travis is making me retire my super cute black boots because I wore them in the wood shop at school and they are pretty much shot...oh well!) but I have become more creative in the kitchen lately!!

By the way...this is how now think and speak...without the grammatical errors of course...

(Who makes these things sometimes? Back to 4th grade spelling they go!)

Anywho, I digress!

Last night I made a pretty good chicken dish made with red wine vinegar, maple syrup and Dijon mustard. The author of the blog claims that it's the "world's best" but though it will probably be a repeat recipe that I use (let's face's easy and pretty quick, I'm all for that!) however, I can't say that it's the best ever. You can find the recipe here! It was something different, which I like, and the flavors were interesting blended together.

Another recipe that I've tried and loved it this little gem! It's a recipe for spaghetti squash Alfredo! It's very yummy and has made me an instant fan of spaghetti squash...not sure what a spaghetti squash is? Click here and I promise you won't be disappointed! You can cook it pretty much in any recipe where regular pasta noodles are used.

If you've got any recipe's that are tried and true for this newlywed to try out on her unsuspecting husband feel free to leave a recipe for me! I look forward to trying some different things! Which reminds me....I bought more spaghetti squash to try out some different things...can't wait!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

I love charities!! I absolutely LOVE charities!!!

I've decided that once in a while I will highlight some of my favourite ones right here on the blog! They may either be local ones or worldwide ones but I hope to bring awareness about these causes and allow you readers to make an impact!

So here's the inspiration....last night I was being involved with one of my favourite activities....browsing pinterest of course! When I came across a picture of the cutest pair of sandals called Ssekos! These are GREAT looking summer wear PLUS they are made by girls recently graduated from high school in Uganda to be sold to help them pay for tuition at the university level!

(Photo Credit to their website)

Aren't these sandals so stinking cute?!?!

Sseko's mission is this,

 "Sseko Designs uses fashion to provide employment and scholarship opportunities to women pursuing their dreams and overcoming poverty"

How cool it THAT?!?!

They take no time away from the studies of these girls! They employ them right after high school and before they head to the university to make the products!

Here's how it pick the size of the base, then you pick the cotton straps! There are many different color and pattern selections. My absolute favorite part of this whole thing is the amount of ways that you can wear the straps (see above photo)! There are even tutorials on their website for ideas on how to wear them and how to get the style wraps that they advertise.

I absolutely adore the fact that you can personalize them in this way!

The styles of and types of straps is what mainly controls the cost from what I can see...oh and add in the fact that these are made in Uganda and there is shipping involved you could spend anywhere from $35-$65 on these babies.

However I cannot think of a cooler way to spend that extra money. I mean, are you kidding me? Getting a super cute product along with helping a girl further her education is priceless. This is going to help them before future doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. 

So go ahead and check them out at....

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Soo Busy!

I've been so darn busy lately that I think if it were possible, my head would be spinning!

Y'all seriously, between home duties and school duties, trying to make it to church, trying to find time to run and just having nights with friends things are getting hectic (so glad right now that children are not part of the equation)!

Add to that the fact that I haven't been 100% healthy for about 3 weeks now (sinuses, sore throat, loss of name it!)

Just yesterday I was out with our livestock judging team to the Area III FFA contest in Lake Charles. A fun day for teachers and students to practice what they've learned....but could not go without a hitch. For the minute the boys and I closed the door to my truck...I got that sinking know....the one that says...oh my goodness....did I just lock my keys in my truck?

Yeap.....I did. ::sigh:: at least there was an awesome police officer near by who helped me out for free! Saved me a call and some money to Pop-a-lock!

With these next two months comes a whole lot of judging practices, from landscape and nursery to meat identification to dairy judging....pretty much every day after school and a few contests in between as well as a half marathon I'll still be somewhat of a busy bee!

On a side note...Jedi is now two days in a row of being accident free while we are at work! Let's see how the rest of the week goes!!!

Great....just realized I forgot my purse at home...::sigh::

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Not Giving Up So Easily....

Most of my facebook friends will know that a couple of weeks ago Travis and I adopted the sweetest little 2 year old retired  greyhound named Jedi.....

We were ecstatic to get him and be able to love on him and share our lives with him! After a couple of week however, though we have grown to love him soo much, he has an issue being  alone :( while we are away at work. We have been working with our adoption coordinator and the president of It's a Grey Area Greyhound Adoption to help us help Jedi as much as possible. Brittaney and Lesley have been WONDERFUL in providing support for us throughout the whole process and we could not have asked for a better experience working with them. 

We have prayed and talked about it and are determined to try a few more things to make him comfortable living with us as an only child...we all realize though that in the end it may not work out and we ultimately need to do what is best for this beautiful baby boy. 

I mean come on! Look at that face! As if we could give up that easily!

At the same time that we are dealing with Jedi and his issues it brought forth something in my mind and made me feel soo convicted in my soul. 

How many times I started off with good intentions for my relationship with God but failed to push through when things became hard?

Let's face it....we all do it...for instance...I had the great idea that I was going to read the entire Bible this year. Yeap...the whole 1 year. So I started a little nifty plan on my Bible app on my phone and for a whole week I nailed it! Until....things started to get rough...flooding....getting Jedi and dealing with his issues, housework, work in;s gotten to the point where I've let all these things get in my way of my relationship with God...not that I shouldn't deal with or do these things...but that I shouldn't give up so easily. 

Same thing with my prayer life....I've gotten so busy and had my eyes and mind on the things of this world more and more that I am frequently missing that quiet time with my Savior.

My relationship with God should be the number one most important thing in my life...and in my mind...I'd like to think that's so but there are many times where my actions are not aligning with my thoughts. 

And then I also think...what if God had given up on ME that easily....where would I be? Probably still down that path of destruction, not married to an amazing guy with wonderful godly friends. Where would WE ALL be if He gave up on ALL of us so easily? Noah might not have been spared during the great flood..and for certain He would not have given up His only Son for us....

So I guess the whole point of this is DO NOT GIVE UP SO EASILY, especially if it's something good in your going back to school, writing a book, raising your children, in your prayer life....or even dealing with a pup with separation issues like us :)

Basically anything that pleases God and is good for us isn't always going to be easy but it'll be so worth it in the end. So here's to keeping on keeping on...and I'm off to press that little "Catch Me Up" button on my Bible reading plan, give my pup a kiss and get some one on one time with my Lord :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bitter-Sweet Revelations....

We've all had those know...the ones where you are so ecstatically happy for a person or   a situation only to realize what you would lose or miss out on in the process. 

Well today was one of those moments for one of my bestest friends in the entire world left today for the adventure of a lifetime with her family. You see, my friend since elementary school, Mrs. Lizzy Jaqua, and family are moving roughly 4,430 miles to the town of Kenai, ALASKA

Which is here........

It is a peninsula city of Alaska about 2.5 hours south of Anchorage. 

And just WHY you might ask, are they moving so far when Liz, a purebred Cajun, is used to a culture where families move onto family owned property behind mom and pop's house to such a remote location? Well simply put her husband Mike landed a pretty awesome job out there with his company, he fell in love with the area and they were excited when he was offered the position. After much prayer and consideration they decided to move.....

(and with a view like this who wouldn't!)

I am so very excited for their two children, 2 1/2 year old Olivia "Livy" and 9 month old baby Michael (aka my littlest godchild!), who will be able to grow up in and experience such a magical place that most people only dream of visiting (me included!) 

I told Livy to have fun on their adventure! 

Annnnd.....that's where the sweet part ends. 

The bitter part was watching that truck pull away from the house this evening and feeling bitter that one of my best friends and closest confidants was not going to be just literally 5 minutes down the road...and that now I have to take time zones into consideration when calling and texting, not only that but I will no longer be able to get my at least once or twice a week visit! 

Since we have reconnected after a couple of years where after high school we had parted ways it's rare that Liz and I go three or four days without at least texting each other once...and while I know that doesn't have to change...I still feel a little selfish and want her and her family here and all to myself. 

As I'm sitting here in my drowning in my own self pity God is speaking to me. He's reminding me that my friends and I are world changers...and how are we supposed to change it if we do not go out into the world? 

I know He has wonderful plans for this amazing family who is dedicated to serving Him first and foremost and I have to trust Him as they did and let it be HIS will to be done and not let my emotions and selfishness get in the way of all that He has in store for them. 

So please join me in praying traveling mercies over this amazing family and that once they reach Alaska that God will use them in a mighty way!