Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Relationship Revelations

So.....I had a revelation this morning on my way to work. As I am on my way to work wayy too early for any normal person (I'm usually at my desk by 7 am) I have a lot of time to think on the 30 min drive, because let's face it...no one else is up at that time....or at least not functioning fully.

Anywho....I digress, I was thinking about what I wanted to write about first (epic decision I must say!) and I started thinking about all of the amazing relationships I've formed since becoming a Christ-follower. 

Not saying that I didn't have what I thought were great friendships before, but they mainly consisted of people who were at the bars Thursday through Saturday and then at church Sunday evening, not what I would call roll models for a Christian life....and I was right along side enjoying that lifestyle. 

But now...God has placed some wonderful, AMAZING people in my life who speak words of wisdom, kindness and encourage me to look to Christ for my answers in life. And whereas majority of my friends from my past life were male, now I have learned how much female friendship is so important. I never before was able to relate to feminine conversation or anything else feminine for that matter.

When I found an amazing home church I was opened up to an amazing group of people who have influenced my life in such a positive way! Take this lady for example........we went to elementary, middle school and high school together and were great friends...but sadly during high school she transferred and we lost touch for almost 6 years! God blew my mind and brought us back together at church and we've been the best of friends since! She's my go-to gal in a pinch and the most wonderful mother of the cutest babies ever! Sad that we don't have any pictures together since high school!! This situation will be remedied ASAP! But for now this is my beautiful friend and her too cute daughter :)

I mentioned the other day that I run...well that's where this group of amazing and encouraging ladies comes in!! I have never had such amazing annoited women in my life who by their walk of faith has lead me closer to the Lord. They and their families are truley an inspiration and Travis and I, we look up to them immensely! The help me to be stronger God fearing woman and, whether they know it or not, they help to guide me in making decisions for my future. I love these ladies!

The next few Christ-centered ladies in my life are these three wonderful gals! Fellow teachers who share a love of the Lord and the stress of being a public school educator in today's crazy world. Look how sweet they are :) they mean the world to me and help keep me sane!
Sadly I know that there is a picture of us floating around somewhere...I just can't find it, ha!

So after being sappy and spilling the beans on some of my favorite people (these are definitely not ALL of them, that would be too much to put in!), the Revelation that comes from this is to surround yourself with people who lift you up and speak life into your life. Those who are negative and bring you down with words or thoughts are just not worth your time and can become like a plague infecting your life. I've seen how much my life has changed and how much of a new person I am in Christ and new friendships who support that decision are key.

God warns us in Proverbs 13:20 how important our friendships are when He says, "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harms." (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. Mwah! (that was a kiss)

    Love you and glad to have you in my life!
