Why hello there all!
I must say that I have heavily neglected this blog for far too long.
Isn't that just like me though. It takes discipline to stay on top of things such as reading my bible, keeping a good schedule, cleaning reliably, planning and sticking to outings.
I find that I am lacking discipline all too much in my life.
With, now, two children I'm finding myself needing to be more organized, disciplined and intentional in all that I do.
I so don't want to be.
I love being a spur of the moment kind of gal. The, "Hey, lets pack up and go do something!" kind of person.
But I'm finding more and more that my current season of life is not conducive to that type of lifestyle. I need to plan things out carefully and live each day purposefully and intentionally.
I read something recently while completing some reading for the bible/book study we are currently doing at church. The quote said, "When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection" - A.W. Tozer
How true is that?!?!?
We constantly fill our lives up with meaningless fluff and our time dies. It can't come back. We can't get that coffee date back, or that play time with the kids.
So how do we battle this enemy of time?
By becoming disciplined.
We so often see discipline as a dirty word, one that has a negative connotation. However, it truly is not. It can be but the root of the word discipline means training that produces obedience or self control. We need to discipline our minds when it comes to the things we do, the movies we watch, the music we listen to and even the books we read.
We are born sinners who are truly undisciplined but I believe that with some help from the big guy upstairs and a willing heart we can change ourselves to become disciplined.
I plan on starting a checklist of things I need to get done throughout the day and see exactly where I could free up some time that I've been wasting to pursue things that really mean something. I mean, do I really need to spend that 10 min looking on my phone, browsing social media? Absolutely not.
Hopefully I can hold myself accountable to this task, if not I'll ask others to help, having accountability partners is so important and helpful!
So with that, I'm signing off to look for new lessons for the coming week for my students.
Be Blessed!
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