Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

I love this time of year, when the weather agrees, I get to spend an entire week off from work to relax and pretend to catch up on house work (when really it's nearly 11:00 a.m. and I am still in my p.j.'s)!

But seriously today is Good Friday and the more I reflect upon it I had the thought,

"Why on earth is it GOOD? Our Lord and Savior was put to death this day." 

I understand WHY it's called Good Friday, I mean....without it Jesus would not have fulfilled the prophecies and died on the cross to be risen and start a new covenant of Grace with us.

However it's the "died on the cross" part that's making it a not so Good Friday for me. 

Ever since I've become a Christian my heart breaks that the sins I've committed and continue to commit (let's face it we're all still sinners) we're the reason that Jesus' had to go through one of the, if not THE, most gruesome deaths so that I would not have to pay the price and that one day I could have eternal life. 

It seems so unfair, the price He paid for me.

 He who knew no sin, became sin so that WE could become righteous with God. 2 Corinthians 5:21

Seriously? I feel so unworthy of that phrase, I mean obviously I can try to live up to it but when compared to what Christ did.....nothing I do will ever be enough. And the crazy part is, is that He's ok with it.

       But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are            

                                                              Isaiah 53:5
Why would He do such a thing for us? For ME? He was beaten by soldiers with a weapon called a flagrum which I have read is similar to the British cat o' nine tails. 

This hits me hard.
1. Have you SEEN a soldiers arms? They're HUGE from working out and lifting heavy equipment and their weapon that probably weighed more than me! With a normal whip it would have been torture enough. 

2. The flagrum. Just thinking about this gives me chills and makes me want to weep with anger and pain for our Lord. When researching the Flagellumm or Flagrum I found this description.

"the flagellum was not designed merely to bruise or leave welts on the victim. The flagellum was a whip with several (at least three) thongs or strands, each perhaps as much as three feet long, and the strands were weighted with lead balls or pieces of bone. This instrument was designed to lacerate. The weighed thongs struck the skin so violently that it broke open." (McAllister, 2000).

Upon further reading about it, it's stated that at times the flagrum would tear the skin open so much that main arteries were exposed. I cannot even imagine such pain!

Then He had to carry His own cross, a death sentence, and wear a crown of thorns that bit into His skin every single second causing pain and blood to run down His face.

This is what I think about when I think of Good Friday, not the crawfish boils, the seafood or the superstitions  of the day (seriously guys...not digging or planting today?), but rather that there was a price paid for my redemption, for our redemption and it was a high price indeed. 

But we can take heart in the fact that because of His selfless act, Death was beaten and no longer has a hold over our lives, that we can be forgiven of our sins, get right with God and live to serve Him. 

So today, as your feasting take a moment to remember just why and who we are in debt to for this day. 

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