Friday, March 15, 2013

Things I've Learned from a Horse

This is Lilly.

She's one of my bestest four legged friends around.
Sometimes we disagree on the course of action for the day when we are together but most of the time we highly enjoy each others company.

I was there the day she was born and have watched her grow and become more beautiful than I could have hoped! Every little girls dream horse...and she's mine!

She's got large ears for listening to my troubles and big eyes to see the world in ways I never could even imagine.

I'd like to share some things that she has taught me over the 13 years of our friendship. 

1. It's OK to be the boss.
Lilly is really my alter ego in this area. She's what we in the horse world call a "Boss Mare" if there are younger (and sometimes older as well) horses in the pasture with her she dominates and threatens with ears pinned back to be the first in line for water, food and my attention. I feel like this is an important point because there are so many times when we allow ourselves to be pushed aside by another "boss mare" and our dreams and wants are pushed to the side while they plow through. NOT OK. We need not let others' thoughts and opinions of us keep us from excelling in life.

2. It's OK to roll around and get dirty.

Sometimes I have a hard time with letting loose and having fun. I feel like I need to be on a regiment and have everything in my life planned out the way I need it. Pretty girl up there? Yea...she always throws a wrench in that by ROLLING in the dirt RIGHT AFTER A BATH! But you know, most times I just laugh it off and smile at her antics, because in the grand scheme of things life should be so serious that we forget a simple joy like rolling around in the dirt (symbolic here of course, not literally!)

3. Sometimes all you have to do is listen and not speak.

Lilly is perhaps the best listener I know....she doesn't give me advice I don't want or need when I'm upset, she just looks at me with those big brown eyes like "I have no idea what you're saying but keep brushing me please." Many times we want to give people a solution to "FIX" their problems....they don't need us to fix it! They just sometimes need a willing ear to listen and not judge them about it. Sometimes by giving advice or your own opinion you are potentially giving them advice that will break a friendship or end wrongly, even putting your own friendship with them at risk because then you'll be looked at as the one who "told them so". Don't be that person, listen first and then if you are asked give your opinion or advice, don't give it unless they ask for it.

4. That sometimes taking life slow is a good thing.

Lilly doesn't like to be ridden. Even more so, she hates running while being ridden and will do anything and everything not to do so. The only thing she really runs for is her food bucket, ha!
Seriously though, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life we need to slow down and appreciate the things that are worth a second look or a time to be appreciated.

5. Sometimes people just need to get off of your back!

As I said before...Lilly doesn't like to be ridden, she doesn't like people to tell her what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Many times we go through the motions allowing others to dictate our lives for us. Not cool. The only entity in charge of our lives is God and He has the final say. This does not however mean that you can tell your boss, "No, I don't think so today!" No, this is not meant for professional work places or places where you are not in authority. This is meant for things such as your sister trying to tell you who you should or shouldn't date, or your friend telling you that you really should go on a diet and try this one, or someone coming in a telling you how to clean your house or that you should do this or that every weekend to be socially acceptable. Phooey on them! Live your life and as long as what you are doing is pleasing in the eyes of God...why do something just because someone tells you to without a good reason?

There are many more things that she's taught me over the years, but I thought I would mention a few that stood out to me.

What has an animal you've had teach you? I'm sure there were some important messages in there!

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