I feel like this is the story of my life since we've gotten married.
Is it horrible that I am just not ready for children at the moment? I don't have a fear of them...I'm quite fond of the little ones to be honest but I feel as if I have way too much going on learning to be a good, godly wife and learning how to run my own home without the incessant neediness of children.
I think pregnant women are drop dead gorgeous! There is just something about them that makes me think of the cutest things in the world, like puppies, koalas and rainbows!
(ok, a little dramatic with that description but it's how I feel when I see a pregnant lady!)
I feel like though I can handle the cute moments but the others...nope!
Really though, I've only been married a total of 7 months....no babies on the horizon yet and I'm totally ok with it.
Not saying that anyone who becomes pregnant is silly or anything, I'm just enjoying being selfish and having my husband to myself, not having to call for a sitter or making plans to have the baby watched.
The funny thing is, a year ago I would have said I was ready....and now...I'm glad we decided to wait. Children are a blessing but not one I'm ready for just yet, I have a hard enough time with dinner on a regular basis :)
I think it's funny how our perspectives change. I used to think I was on this time line, like I HAVE to get pregnant after ONE year of marriage! Now I'm totally ok with 3 or 5 or 10 years....ok so maybe not 10 but I certainly won't regret the one on one time with my husband.
I just feel like so many people, myself included, jump into things without fully thinking about what it means. I know they say you can't ever be fully ready to have a child.........
(whoever "they" are, "they" sure have a lot of opinions about everything)
........but where I am in my life, my marriage, and my career, I feel as if I would be doing an injustice almost.
So until I make an official announcement....no I'm not pregnant and am not trying to get pregnant.
We'll let ya know!
In the meantime......